Center for Biophysics and Quantitative Biology


Biophysics Support

First Semester Support

All incoming Biophysics students will be supported by the Center for the first semester in the program. This allows students flexibility while they are rotating through three faculty labs in pursuit of a research advisor. This support will be in the form of a research assistantship, training grant, special award, or fellowship (see below).

Named Fellowships in Biophysics & Quantitative Biology

Govindjee/Rabinowitch Graduate Award

Eugene Rabinowitch was one of the early pioneers of biophysics at the University of Illinois. Prior to joining the University, he worked on the Manhattan Project during World War II. He helped to develop a multi-disciplinary graduate program called Physicochemical Biology (PCB), which later became Biophysics. He performed groundbreaking research on photosynthesis, and wrote the 3-volume Photosynthesis and Related Processes.

Gregorio Weber Graduate Award

One of the most notable and influential scientists at the University of Illinois from the 1960's to the late 1990's, Gregorio Weber was a National Academy member, and a prime mover in elevating the status of biophysics on this campus. He is acknowledged as the founder of modern fluorescence spectroscopy and is best known for developing and utilizing fluorescence techniques for the study of protein structure and dynamics, and protein-protein interactions.

Special Awards in Biophysics & Quantitative Biology

Lebus Graduate Scholar Award

Every few years, we are honored to offer a Lebus Graduate Scholar Award to one outstanding Biophysics student. This award was established in 1992 by the late James A. Hagan and is intended to "provide fellowship support for meritorious graduate students of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in the fields of life sciences, chemical sciences, and physics."

Recurring On-Campus Fellowships/Grants

Only registered University of Illinois students are eligible for these grants or fellowships.

For more information on these, or other University of Illinois Fellowships, please visit the Fellowship website at:

Off-Campus Fellowships/Grants

Links to a grant/fellowship databases: