Center for Biophysics and Quantitative Biology

Martin Gruebele


Fast protein folding dynamics in vitro and in vivo studied by laser-induced temperature jump and pressure jump experiments and modeling; zebrafish and bacterial swimming behavior; protein-RNA interactions in live cells.

Research Interests

Research Description

The Gruebele Group is engaged in experiments and computational modeling to study a broad range of fundamental problems in chemical and biological physics. A common theme in these experiments is the implementation of state-of-the-art laser techniques to interrogate and manipulate complex molecular systems, coupled with quantum or classical simulations. The results of these efforts are contributing to a deeper understanding of the way that proteins fold into functional 3-dimensional molecules, the details of how chemical bonds are broken by vibrational motion and how this can be controlled, and the switching of energy flow in large molecular structures on surfaces.


B.S., 1984, University of California at Berkeley (Chemistry)
Ph.D., 1988, University of California at Berkeley (Chemistry)
Postdoc., 1989-1992, California Institute of Technology


Member of the National Academy of Sciences, 2013
Member of the National Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2010