Charles Sing
Associate Professor
The Sing lab uses statistical mechanics, coarse-grained molecular simulation, and field theory to understand the polymer physics of biological macromolecules. Specific areas of interest include the role of electrostatics and sequence on intrinsically disordered proteins and intracellular phase separation, the role of DNA elasticity and binding kinetics in DNA-protein interactions, and the conformation and dynamics of dense polymer solutions.
Postdoctorate, Northwestern University, 2012-2014
Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2012
M.S., Case Western Reserve University, 2008
B.S.E., Case Western Reserve University, 2008
U.S. Frontiers of Engineering, NAE (2018)
School of Chemical Sciences Excellence in Teaching Award (2017-2018)
NSF CAREER Award (2017)
Forbes 30 Under 30 for Science (2015)
College of Engineering Academy of Excellence in Engineering Education, Collins Scholar (2014-2015)
International Institute for Nanotechnology Postdoctoral Fellowship (2012)
National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship (2009-2012)
MIT/Dupont Alliance Presidential Fellowship (2008)